Tips, Opportunities & Information For Songwriters
- Songwriting
tips from music-industry pros
- Advice
on how to market your songs, find song publishers & succeed in
the music business
- How
to write songs that sell and make money in the music business
- Helpful
advice on all aspects of songwriting, lyric writing & music
- Tips
on how to connect with music producers, recording artists and song
- Songwriting
organizations & associations
- Song
contests, competitions and events for songwriters
- Tips
on how to succeed in the music business as a songwriter, lyric writer
and/or composer
Get Your
Music Career In Gear!
Learn the Craft &
Business of Songwriting
How To Succeed— Smart
tips on how
to succeed as a songwriter in today's music business
A Practical
View Of Copyrights— How
To Copyright Your Songs and protect your songwriting interests
What It Takes To Write Great Song Lyrics
— examines the art and craft of lyric-writing
Record Industry vs. Songwriters?— NT
Times report: Record Industry Braces for Artists’ Battles Over Song
Dream or Delusion? Do You Have
What It Takes?— Advice and insight from veteran songwriter Michael
How To Create A
Successful Blog
Practical guide for songwriters, lyricists, artists & bands
Poetry & Lyrics: Similar But
Distinct Art Forms —
Why good poems don't always work as good song lyrics

10 Ways To Get Your Songs
Recorded— A top songwriting consultant reveals how
songwriters can get heard by publishers
To Write A Song— Smart advice from ace songwriter Robin Frederick, a
seasoned pro in the music business and a top judge in the annual Great
American Song Contest
Heard In A "No Unsolicited Material" World — by John Braheny, author of The
Craft & Business of Songwriting.
How To Write A
Hit Song —
Songwriting tips on basic songwriting techniques
Songwriting Tips From the Pros— Co-Writing
and collaboration advice from a top Nashville songwriter
Songwriting News From
Nashville — How to write a hit song from professional
songwriters and song publishers
Songwriting 101: Recording Your
Demo — Tips
For A Fun & Successful Recording Session
Power of Advertising — Songwriters
score big in television advertising
Your Musical I.Q. — How much do you know about music? Fun facts
& songwriting trivia!
Top Songs of the Century
— What do the songs "Good Vibrations," "Stand By Me"
& "American Pie" have in common? The Recording
Industry Association of America selects them as among the most
influential songs of All Time.
Flash! Music Is Healthy For Humans— Does research show what songwriters and musicians
already know? Yes!
Aren't Computers Wonderful?
music, write songs and record songs using your computer
How To Set Up Your Own Music
Website —
Get heard in the music business. Create music. Publish songs. A basic