SRN Mission Statement

Established in 1998, Songwriters Resource Network is a trusted news and education resource for songwriters, lyricists and music composers.

SRN's mission is to:

Empower songwriters with accurate, up-to-date information about the art and business of songwriting

Provide educational and networking opportunities to help songwriters successfully open doors in the music business

Encourage creative development of songwriters and lyricists

Songwriters Resource Network is composed of a loosely knit group of experienced songwriters, recording artists, music publishers, producers, educators and music-industry professionals. (SRN Contributors & Judges and SRN Sponsors.)

These colleagues and friends are experienced in the music business. Most have worked with non-profit songwriting organizations. Most are willing to share some part of their expertise with talented, motivated songwriters.

The day-to-day website work is organized and managed by a small support staff and dedicated volunteers.

SRN supports all categories of songwriting and affords the same respect for artistic songwriting as for commercial songwriting.

SRN welcomes ideas, comments and suggestions. Please write or email us with your questions or comments. (See email link below.)

Mailing Address:

 Songwriters Resource Network
 PMB 135; 6327-C SW Capitol Hwy.
 Portland OR 97239



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Songwriters Resource Network is a trusted news and education resource for songwriters, lyricists and music composers.


Featured Opportunity

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Great American Song Contest